2/27/2024 1:51:04 PM Cry for Argentina: Permission to Appeal 1.3B Euro Suit on One Condition By Derval Walsh On 22 February, the London Court of Appeal ruled in Palladian Partners LP & Ors v. The Republic of Argentina & Anor [2024] EWCA Civ 139...
3/17/2023 11:07:00 PM In The Times Article, Counsel Tristan Dollie Examines Privacy in Art Collecting By Tristan Dollie In an article for The Times on 16 March, Counsel Tristan Dollie examines a recent report in relation to dirty money in the art market....
11/23/2022 9:32:00 AM In Litigation Funding Magazine Article, Elena Rey and Tristan Dollie Examine Law Firm Borrowing By Elena Rey Tristan Dollie Law firms seeking to borrow and lenders seeking to lend need to know how to navigate the potential pitfalls that can arise from financing...
10/6/2022 4:46:00 PM In ThoughtLeaders4 Article, Elena Rey and Tristan Dollie Examine Litigation Funding of Class Actions By Elena Rey Tristan Dollie Partner Elena Rey and Counsel Tristan Dollie co-authored an article on litigation funding of class actions in ThoughtLeaders4 Disputes...