9/27/2024 10:20:04 AM US Department of Justice Wants Data-Savvy Compliance Departments and Additional Protection for Whistleblowers By Paul Feldberg Daniel Sachs Martha Baselga In September 2024, the US Department of Justice (“DOJ”) announced changes in how it evaluates corporate compliance programs. [1] Of...
9/25/2024 2:22:05 PM DOJ Wants Data-Savvy Compliance Departments By Daniel Sachs In a Sept. 23, 2024, speech, Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General Nicole Argentieri announced changes in how the U.S. Department...
5/20/2022 12:31:50 PM M&C Saatchi Takeover by Next Fifteen By Lena Hodge The high level of interest shown from competing bidders pursuing the takeover of M&C Saatchi conveys how public M&A remains buoyant...